A 6-7 hour all day affair! (snacks will served at the halfway point!)
Field Notes kit for each in attendance.
Print your own event poster right on top of a shuttle print!
Limited Seating!
The design world around us is going fast and faster. And as things speed up in our professional lives, there's less and less time for personal projects. Imagine having a whole day to focus on a project...just for yourself! Let us coach you—offering up tips, tricks and positive critique. Fast-moving and fun, unlock something in yourself and go home glowing. Bring your laptop! Bring your portfolio! Bring your life! We'll be telling stories, showing examples of our work and fighting hard to make sure each and every brave soul who shows up goes home with that personal logo they've always been dreaming about. And we'll pull it of in this day-long workshop. You in? We sure are.